Friday, September 18, 2009

Jazz Choir

This year the Jazz Choir was very difficult to select. You will notice I went with a higher number than I had said before, that is how close this audition was. You all had a wonderful audition and should be very proud of the effort you put in and your performances. You all scored very well so the selection became about blend and balance. You will notice for many of you I have shifted your voice part from what you normally sing in choir. This is because Jazz requires a very subtle quality that I felt your other register captured better than what you sing in our more classically based choral repertoire. For those of you who were not selected, please please PLEASE come back next year! I was very excited and impressed with what I heard and hope to see you try again. if you want to know my comments about your audition, please come speak to me, that way you can know what to work on for next time. For many of you there are changes in technique that you can practice and listen to. I am more than willing to help you in that area.

Congrats to all of you that were selected! I am very excited for the year ahead and we are going to start the year running. Next weekend is homecoming and we will be singing! Therefore, in addition to Thursdays rehearsal, we will meet for a half hour to forty minutes after school on Monday. That way we can get the business side of things (aka tee-shirts selected, music handed out) and not waste time on Thursday. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and see you in school Monday.

Soprano: Deanna G., Colleen M., Natasha M., Carolann O., Kim S., Georgia T., Brittany W.
Alto: Elena F., Cristin F., DyAnne, Heather M., Alyssa P., Maddy S.
Tenor: James H., Steve G, Anthony P., Nick B
Bass: Dan C., Dom G., Sean M., Louden W.

Ms. Kvam

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lesson Groups

Here are the Lesson Groups for the year. It is according to the number that I assigned you in class and can be found at the top of your music. You will get a hard copy of this list asap. Until then, see you tomorrow!

Group A Group B Group C Group D
1 25 9 5
17 31 30 6
28 44 48 15
54 46 61 47
56 51 64 57
75 77 52
Group E Group F Group G
37 12 94 Group H
62 19 66 4
73 22 95 10
78 26 81 23
88 59 84 36
91 85 90 68
Group I Group J Group K Group L
42 7 20 3
49 21 39 8
63 24 43 13
67 76 45 33
69 79 60 35
83 70 50
Group M Group N Group O 92
2 14 32
18 11 34
27 16 55
29 41 65
38 53 86
58 80 87

Ms. Kvam

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Lesson Schedule- Fall 2009

Here is the lesson schedule! Lessons G, H and I, we start tomorrow!!

I read off your names today in class, if you have any questions, stop by my office. Once I find a way to post the lesson groups without posting your name, I will get it up here.

Remember: Each week, you need to attend your assigned lesson. As long as you follow the schedule, you will only miss one class a month of each subject. The teachers are aware of this and will work with you to makeup the work you miss. Please remember to stay with your assigned lesson group. When you have a test on the period that your lesson is scheduled, you are expected to make up the lesson with me at another time that week. Do not leave making up lessons to the end of the quarter, there will not be time and it will impact your grade! Any questions, just let me know.

* You will receive a hard copy ASAP*

Remember, in lessons you will learn and work on many skills. However, you are never assessed on vocal quality so don't worry! As long as I have maximum effort and cooperation, you will do wonderfully!!

See you tomorrow.

Ms. Kvam

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Voice Placement

Tomorrow you need to come see me so I can test your range. It takes less than five minutes and I need it completed by the end of the day so I can give you an accurate lesson schedule by Wednesday.

Also bring in those parent signatures saying that you reviewed the course syllabus!

See you tomorrow.

Ms. Kvam

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Concert Choir Syllabus

Assignment 1:

Attached you will find a copy of the course syllabus. Please read it over. SHOW YOUR PARENTS! After reading the syllabus, please print the last page of the syllabus and sign where it indicates for a student and parent signature. Also, please write in a working email address that I can use if I need to contact you.

This paper, with both completed signatures, will be due by Friday, September 11, and will count as a 25 point homework assignment. It will be accepted on Monday, September 14 for 15 points. After that it will not be accepted and you will receive an incomplete.

Concert Choir Syllabus

Ms. Kvam

September 9, 2009

Course Description:

The 9-12 grade choir is a mixed choral ensemble that performs in three concerts throughout the school year. The ensemble will develop their knowledge and abilities as musicians through performing a variety of choral repertoire as well as utilizing sight-singing materials.

Course Objectives:

- Students will be provided with a high quality performance experience.

- Students will successfully perform a variety of choral repertoire for the school and community.

- Students will explore and become aware of different styles of music, with emphasis on various historical and cultural styles. Students will study text in a variety of languages.

- Students will develop musical competencies: sight singing, music theory, and correct vocal technique.

- Students will be able to correctly use and define various musical terms and concepts.

- Students will be provided with an environment for vocal development as an individual and ensemble.

- Students will be prepared for evaluations of material covered during class, by performance, written tests and individual vocal assessments.

- Students will foster an appreciation for music that will continue for the rest of their lives.


No. 2 Pencils

Small Notebook

Black Choral Folder (provided by Smithtown HSW)

Choral Repertoire (provided by Smithtown HSW)

Sight-singing book- Mixed level 1

Concert Dates:

Winter Concert- Tuesday, December 15

Jazz Festival- Thursday, April 15

HSW Gala Concert- Saturday, March 20

Spring Concert- Wednesday, June 2

Other Important Dates:

November 17 Friends of Music Reception

November 20 All County 2009

December 3,4 & 5 HSW Drama Production

December 10 & 17 West Winter Concerts

March 4-7 HSW Musical Production

March 13 & 14 SCMEA Concert

April 9 & 10 All State/ NYSSMA Solo Festival

May 15 & 16 Tournament of Plays

May 18 & 25 West Spring Concerts

June 9 SFOM Awards Night

Rehearsal/ Attendance Policy:

All rehearsals and concerts are MANDATORY. The Smithtown High School West attendance policy applies for this course and students should strive to arrive early to rehearsals so that they many begin on time. Three tardies will be considered to be one absence.

Prior to all concerts there will be an additional, MANDATORY rehearsal in the evening. If a student fails to attend this rehearsal, they will not be permitted to sing in the concert. This means all coaches and employers must be notified in advance of these rehearsals. If a student is ill, but has been in school that day, they are still expected to attend rehearsal that evening. These students will follow along with their music while sitting in the audience. ONLY the director may authorize an absence from the evening rehearsal or concert. Please understand this policy is in place so that our choir may have a most successful performance.

Course Grading:

- Daily Grade/ Class Participation- 50%

- Attendance (lessons and rehearsal)- 30%

- Quarterly Exam- 10%

- Quarterly Sight-Singing Exam- 10%

Daily Grade/ Class Participation:

Class Participation is the most important aspect of this ensemble. Each week there will be 100 points given for each student. (20 points/day) Students are expected to warm up, stand, sing and will be responsible for the information that is discussed in rehearsal. Students can loose points for:

- Food/ Drink/Gum – (10 points)

- Cell Phones- (20 points) **

- Behavior Issues- (20 points)

- Does not participate in class- (20 Points)

- Tardiness- (10 points)

If you are too ill to quietly follow along and mark your score, you are too ill to be in school. Even if you are physically unable to sing, you are expected to have your music open and be listening to the rehearsal. Reading or doing homework for another class is not an option and will result in an additional loss of 20 points.

***Cell phones are not permitted in rehearsal. If you are caught with a cell phone you will lose the 20 points and receive a warning. After your first warning, the phone will be confiscated and can be picked up from the main office at the end of the school day.

Please remember that three tardies are equivalent to one absence. Excessive absences will result in failure or at the least, a lowered grade.

Please remember that the return of classroom materials does impact your grade. You are expected to hand back the music, folder and sight-singing materials in the condition they were received with your assigned number at the top.

Lesson Requirements:

Students are expected to follow the rotating lesson schedule and come once a week to the lesson with their assigned lesson group. Failure to attend lessons will result in a lowered grade. In their lessons they will follow the same classroom rules and come prepared with the same materials. Students will work on their choral repertoire as well as the development of their vocal technique. They will have tests as a small vocal section and individually. They will be responsible for all the material covered in lessons. This material will be on their written exams and assignments.


This year we have a new choral curriculum in place. This is to help you become a well-rounded musician. We will be emphasizing sight-reading skills using the do based solfege system and definition of terms. Sight-singing materials will now be given to each student and will be incorporated into our warm-ups. A packet will also be given to each student that will be handed in two weeks before each concert. This will define various terms in the music as well as include background information and diction of each piece.

Classroom Rules:

- Be on time.

- Be courteous and respectful.

- Do not talk during instruction.

- Bring a pencil to every class.

- No gum.

- No food or drink other than water.

- Be ON TIME for all rehearsals and lessons.

Concert Attire:

Men: Black Suit Jacket, Black dress pants, White button down shirt, Tie, Dress Shoes.

Women: Full length black dress with black dress shoes.

Student signature: ____________________________

Parent signature: _____________________________

Email: _____________________________________

Welcome to another year!

Greetings members of Smithtown High Concert Choir! Welcome back. I hope that your summers were restful and have you fully charged for the new year. Whether you are a new member or a four year veteran, I know that this year will be an exciting one. This year in an effort to support the districts efforts to 'go green', I will be posting important information on my new blog.

I am greatly looking forward to this year and feel confident that it will be successful and fulfilling. You are a very talented group of individuals who are becoming part of the legacy of high achievement found within the music department here at Smithtown. I know that together we will go above and beyond our expectations.

Continue to check back regularly! I hope you have a great first day back. The next post will contain the Course Syllabus and your first assignment.

-Ms. Kvam

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and cannot remain silent."- Victor Hugo